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Information and Technology Literacy

Dan Seek

Title: Technology Teacher
Phone Numbers:
School: 203-222-3676

K-12 Philosophy

As we continue to make our way through the 21st Century, students need to be adept in accessing and analyzing information in all types of media, thinking critically and creatively, problem solving, communicating ideas, and collaborating with others. Students must also develop habits and dispositions that aid them in their lives as life-long learners.

The design of the integrated ITL curriculum is to help all students to continuously:

  • Inquire and gain knowledge
  • Think critically, draw conclusions, and make informed decisions
  • Apply learning to NEW situations and create NEW knowledge
  • Share knowledge and participate ethically and productively
  • Pursue personal and aesthetic growth

Technology Literacy is not just knowing how to use technology, it's how to use it efficiently and effectively to access resources & info, create content, collaborate, communicate, etc.

Information Literacy is knowing how to work with information; not just where to go to get information, but how to select, evaluate, and use information appropriately and effectively.

The ITL curriculum is taught in a collaborative model where the classroom teacher, library media specialist, and technology teacher each bring in their own expertise and skills to the lessons so that all students learn the necessary ITL skills in context and at a developmentally appropriate level.

Research and media skills and understanding have been embedded in the Common Core Standards rather than separated out, because the developers have identified the need to conduct research and produce and consume media within every aspect of today’s curriculum.

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